Matt Harvey
Lead Paranormal Investigator

Amanda Harvey
Executive Producer
Paranormal Investigator

Amanda and I have been investigating the paranormal for over 25 years. We have been able to help many people with their paranormal problems over the years. Be it ghosts and hauntings, demonic activity, poltergeist activity, Bigfoot activity or some other paranormal activity going on. During our research we have visited many amazing places. Those locations include doing research in private homes and business, ships, theaters, open land and more.
Our research includes Bigfoot / Sasquatch, UFOS and aliens, ghosts and hauntings, demons, cryptid creatures, river monsters and any other paranormal activity. We document our investigations and share our findings on Youtube and Rumble, through podcasting, TikTok and on social media.
After years of working with many producers, we have decided to go out on our own. We now produce our own podcasts and videos for people to enjoy. Contact us for more information.